Thursday, February 22, 2024

Trends in the Electrical field pt. 2

One of the largest and most followed trends in the electrical field is the move toward electric cars. With our new global aversion to fossil fuels and combustion engines we are seeing a massive improvement in electric vehicles. Although electric cars are seen as a green choice, the process used to create the electrical energy for our electric cars may not be. If the electrical energy we use for our electric vehicles is produced by coal, the overall emission's can be comparable to a combustion engine. Please see link below for more information.


This has also led to many discussions involving our storage of electrical energy. Many electric vehicle manufacturers are using a lithium-ion battery. This lithium is recovered though traditional mining techniques, which can have long-term affects on the land it was mined from. Leading these electric car manufacturers to explore better, and more sustainable energy storage systems. As the science behind energy storage improves, so will our overall global carbon footprint. To explore these topics further please follow the links below. 


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